Designing and running Academic program in the Institutes,
Syllabus review and revision for M.Sc., B.Sc., PG Diploma, Diploma and Craft Courses, Skills Development Programs etc.
Conducting Academic audit in the IHMs in assistance with Administration and Academic Divisions,
Prescribing the other standard for improvement of education,
Student registration,
Drawing academic calendar for all academic program (presently 12 academic program is in operation),
Preparation of Question Paper for all term end and Mid term exams,
Printing and supply of examination stationery to all IHMs,
Conducting of examination and collect the answer books,
Conducting centralized evaluation,
Maintain the computerized data of results,
Preparation of Mark sheets and Certificates/ Degrees, Awarding of Scholarships and prizes, Technical evaluation of any new proposal of IHM/ FCI, Academic tie up with other Academic bodies.
Syllabus up-gradation for M.Sc., B.Sc., PG Diploma, Diploma and Craft Courses, Skills Development Programs etc.;
International academic tie-ups;
Registration of candidates for semester, annual exams;
Conduct of term-end examinations for all the courses;
Plan evaluation of answer books and timely declaration of results;
Conduct all Supplementary Examinations and special exams, if any;
Appoint Examination Centre Superintendents and Observers;
Documentation of results, issue mark-sheets, diplomas and certificates;