National Council For Hotel Management<br>And Catering Technology

National Council For Hotel Management
And Catering Technology (An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)


Training Program

Direct Trainer Skills Training Program

Venue NCHM, Noida
On 11/03/2019 to 15/03/2019
Target Audience Faculty of CIHM, SIHM & FCI

Training is an instrument to help the organization meet the twin challenges of continuous improvement and demands of change. It is necessary to recognize the changing role of our faculty – from being mere providers to facilitators, where the training need of the learner or student is the focus of attention. This is a short, intensive course with plenty of activity. Emphasis is on practice within groups where participants will be encouraged to share their learning experiences with others and to give and receive support and feedback. Because the course is intensive and includes evening preparation, it is planned as a residential program. To obtain maximum benefit from the course, we require that participants devote their full attention and time to course activities. Through the training program we expect to provide opportunities for the development of basic instructional skills for participating faculty who will also learn on how to create and manage a learning environment.

How to Apply Nominations by Institutes

Bakery & Confectionery Training Program

Venue NCHM / DIHM, Delhi
On 17/02/2014 to 21/02/2014
Target Audience Faculty of CIHM, SIHM & PIHM

The art and skill of baking remains a fundamental one and important for nutrition, as baked goods, especially breads, are a common food, economically and culturally important. Freshness is such an important quality that restaurants, although they are commercial, bake their own products for their customers. Confections include sweet foods, sweetmeats, digestive aids that are sweet, elaborate creations, and something amusing. New technologies have been introduced in this area which requires our attention. The training program will involve demonstrations by the best chefs.

How to Apply Nomination by Institute.

General Administration Training Program

Venue NCHM, Noida
On 31/01/2014 to 04/02/2014
Target Audience AOs of CIHM

Giving administrative support to people within an organisation is the responsibility of a General Administrator. The work usually involves assisting in managing the office efficiently through managing office equipment and establishment. Staff must possess computer skills, strong written and oral skills. Specific qualifications are usually not necessary but specilisation in any office procedure comes handy. Other attributes sought are good interpersonal skills, a well-presented appearance and an organised disposition. As the job holder may be required to deal with customers, they will be expected to represent the organisation positively. The training program will prepare staff members in proper filing and record management, information retrieval and presentation of files, PUCs and all paper work. 

How to Apply Nomination by Institute.

Regional Cuisine Training Program

Venue AIHM / CIHM Chandigarh
On 27/01/2014 to 31/01/2014
Target Audience Faculty of CIHM, SIHM & PIHM

Five regional cuisines would be demonstrated for two different sets of participants. Two persons from the identified institute can be deputed who would do the mise en place and demonstration. While mise en place can be done the previous evening, demonstration would be done from 9am to 1pm the next day. Institutes may decide the list of items (at least 10/12) that would be prepared conforming to six (06) portions each for tasting by about 30 participants. Each demonstration would be followed by a well researched presentation which will highlight the cuisines philosophy, history, cultural background, pots and pans, customs, spices, ingredients, etc. The objective of the demonstrations is to document and preserve authentic regional cuisines of India as taught at our IHMs.

How to Apply Nomination by Institute.

Bakery & Confectionery Training Program

Venue NCHM / DIHM, Delhi
On 20/01/2014 to 24/01/2014
Target Audience Faculty of CIHM, SIHM & PIHM

The art and skill of baking remains a fundamental one and important for nutrition, as baked goods, especially breads, are a common food, economically and culturally important. Freshness is such an important quality that restaurants, although they are commercial, bake their own products for their customers. Confections include sweet foods, sweetmeats, digestive aids that are sweet, elaborate creations, and something amusing. New technologies have been introduced in this area which requires our attention. The training program will involve demonstrations by the best chefs.

How to Apply Nomination by Institute.

Uniform System of Accounting Training Program

Venue NIFM, Faridabad
On 08/01/2014 to 10/01/2014
Target Audience Principals of CIHM, SIHM & PIHM

It is felt that interpretation, application and implementation of Government policies and schemes along with effective mobilization of resources will result in achievement of common goals and objectives for an institute. It has however been observed that institutes/organizations receiving grants-in-aid from Government or otherwise are not presenting their accounts in any set standard and is not in keeping with the requirements of transparency and exposure of professional skill of their organizations. They do not give a lucid presentation of their accounts and large number of items of accounts of such institutes generally remain incomplete, unscrutinised and in arrears for several years. Thus a format prescribing standard norms of accounts for all Central autonomous institutions needs to be adopted and followed. 

How to Apply Nomination by Institute.

Uniform System of Accounting Training Program

Venue NIFM, Faridabad
On 16/12/2013 to 20/12/2013
Target Audience Accountants of SIHM & FCI

It is felt that interpretation, application and implementation of Government policies and schemes along with effective mobilization of resources will result in achievement of common goals and objectives for an institute. It has however been observed that institutes/organizations receiving grants-in-aid from Government or otherwise are not presenting their accounts in any set standard and is not in keeping with the requirements of transparency and exposure of professional skill of their organizations. They do not give a lucid presentation of their accounts and large number of items of accounts of such institutes generally remain incomplete, unscrutinised and in arrears for several years. Thus a format prescribing standard norms of accounts for all Central autonomous institutions needs to be adopted and followed.

How to Apply Nomination by Institute.

Uniform System of Accounting Training Program

Venue NIFM, Faridabad
On 02/12/2013 to 06/12/2013
Target Audience Accountants of CIHM

It is felt that interpretation, application and implementation of Government policies and schemes along with effective mobilization of resources will result in achievement of common goals and objectives for an institute. It has however been observed that institutes/organizations receiving grants-in-aid from Government or otherwise are not presenting their accounts in any set standard and is not in keeping with the requirements of transparency and exposure of professional skill of their organizations. They do not give a lucid presentation of their accounts and large number of items of accounts of such institutes generally remain incomplete, unscrutinised and in arrears for several years. Thus a format prescribing standard norms of accounts for all Central autonomous institutions needs to be adopted and followed.

How to Apply Nomination by Institute.

General Administration Training Program

Venue NCHM, Noida
On 22/11/2013 to 25/11/2013
Target Audience Principle of CIHM

Giving administrative support to people within an organisation is the responsibility of a General Administrator. The work usually involves assisting in managing the office efficiently through managing office equipment and establishment. Staff must possess computer skills, strong written and oral skills. Specific qualifications are usually not necessary but specilisation in any office procedure comes handy. Other attributes sought are good interpersonal skills, a well-presented appearance and an organised disposition. As the job holder may be required to deal with customers, they will be expected to represent the organisation positively. The training program will prepare staff members in proper filing and record management, information retrieval and presentation of files, PUCs and all paper work.

How to Apply Nomination by Institute.

Food Safety & Quality Training Program

Venue NCHM, Noida
On 11/11/2013 to 13/11/2013
Target Audience Faculty of CIHM, SIHM & PIHM

Food Safety is a fundamental public health concern. Food Safety and Quality has become an area of priority and necessity for consumers, retailers, manufacturers and regulators. Changing global patterns of food production, international trade, technology, public expectations for health protection and many other factors have created a huge demand for food safety and quality auditing professionals. Being in the food and catering business, it is imperative for of faculty and students to be abreast with the latest regulations on the issue. The training program will be delivered by QCI who have put together the best team of industry experts as speakers.

How to Apply Nomination by Institute.

Food Safety & Quality Training Program

Venue NCHM, Noida
On 28/10/2013 to 30/10/2013
Target Audience Faculty of CIHM, SIHM & PIHM

Food Safety is a fundamental public health concern. Food Safety and Quality has become an area of priority and necessity for consumers, retailers, manufacturers and regulators. Changing global patterns of food production, international trade, technology, public expectations for health protection and many other factors have created a huge demand for food safety and quality auditing professionals. Being in the food and catering business, it is imperative for of faculty and students to be abreast with the latest regulations on the issue. The training program will be delivered by QCI who have put together the best team of industry experts as speakers.  

How to Apply Nomination by Institute.



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Last Updated on : 16-01-2025 | Visitor Count : 4411180

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