National Council For Hotel Management<br>And Catering Technology

National Council For Hotel Management
And Catering Technology (An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)


Bakery & Confectionery Training Program

Venue NCHM / DIHM, Delhi
On 17/02/2014 to 21/02/2014
Target Audience Faculty of CIHM, SIHM & PIHM

The art and skill of baking remains a fundamental one and important for nutrition, as baked goods, especially breads, are a common food, economically and culturally important. Freshness is such an important quality that restaurants, although they are commercial, bake their own products for their customers. Confections include sweet foods, sweetmeats, digestive aids that are sweet, elaborate creations, and something amusing. New technologies have been introduced in this area which requires our attention. The training program will involve demonstrations by the best chefs.

How to Apply Nomination by Institute.

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Last Updated on : 17-01-2025 | Visitor Count : 4414489

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