National Council For Hotel Management<br>And Catering Technology

National Council For Hotel Management
And Catering Technology (An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)


Direct Trainer Skills Training Program

Venue NCHM, Noida
On 11/03/2019 to 15/03/2019
Target Audience Faculty of CIHM, SIHM & FCI

Training is an instrument to help the organization meet the twin challenges of continuous improvement and demands of change. It is necessary to recognize the changing role of our faculty – from being mere providers to facilitators, where the training need of the learner or student is the focus of attention. This is a short, intensive course with plenty of activity. Emphasis is on practice within groups where participants will be encouraged to share their learning experiences with others and to give and receive support and feedback. Because the course is intensive and includes evening preparation, it is planned as a residential program. To obtain maximum benefit from the course, we require that participants devote their full attention and time to course activities. Through the training program we expect to provide opportunities for the development of basic instructional skills for participating faculty who will also learn on how to create and manage a learning environment.

How to Apply Nominations by Institutes

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Email : diraf-nchm[at]nic[dot]in

Last Updated on : 17-01-2025 | Visitor Count : 4412664

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