National Council For Hotel Management<br>And Catering Technology

National Council For Hotel Management
And Catering Technology (An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)

Post Graduate Diploma in Accommodation Operations & Management

3 Semesters
(1.5 Years)

About the course

The course is open to all graduates, admissions for which are done individually by each institute that offer the program. The one and a half year course prepares students to learn how hotels are managed with regards to the rooms division operations and housekeeping of the property. The course supplements knowledge gathered during graduation and how it can be implemented in the hospitality industry. Techniques on how to manage staff and maintain proper accounting of hotel operations are taught during the two semester period. The course prepares students to join as supervisors in small and mid-sized hotels.

The course is delivered in two semesters of 17 weeks each. Between the two semesters students are sent on industry exposure of four weeks to familiarize themselves with the hotel environment while 16 weeks of industrial training is mandatory after completion of the second semester. to provide students with a feel of the hotel working environment.

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Career Opportunities

Several hotels and ancillary industry visit institutes for campus recruitment. Meritorious students are offered jobs in the Housekeeping and Front Office departments of hotels. Some also join the HR, Sales and Marketing teams. Besides leading hotel chains, State Tourism Development Corporations, Railways, Travel companies and retail outlets also recruit our students. Jobs are offered at middle management and at supervisory level where the incumbent would be expected to manage other staff members.

Last Update On: 01/06/2017 11:39:31 am

Announcement Notifications

Eligibility for Admission

Course Fees

Please check with respective Institutes.
Last Update On: 30/06/2017 04:03:25 pm

Selection Criteria

Institutes & Seats Availability

Total Seats Available : 139

Name City Phone / Email / Website Seats Available
Institute of Hotel Management Delhi

(T) 011-25841411

(T) 011-25842429

(M) 08287933783

ihmpusa[at]rediffmail[dot]com (E-mail)
Institute of Hotel Management Kolkata

(T) 033-24014218
(T) 033-24014124
(T) 033-24013844

(M) 09999211556, 9419057556
(F) 033-24014281

principal[at]ihmkol[dot]org (E-mail)
Institute of Hotel Management Hyderabad

(T) 040-27427898
(T) 040-27427569
(M) 09490422816, 7680098007
(F) 040-27427898

ihmhyd[dot]principal[at]gmail[dot]com (E-mail)
Institute of Hotel Management Guwahati

(T) 0361-2337226
(T) 0361-2337245
(T) 0361-2333573
(M) 09435012276, 9933049428
(F) 0361-2337226

ihmctanghy[at]gmail[dot]com (E-mail)
Institute of Hotel Management Bhubaneswar

(T) 0674-2581241

(M) 09800366990
(F) 0674-2586663

hospitality[at]ihmbbs[dot]org (E-mail) 

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Reservation of Seats

Admission Calendar

Counselling Schedule

Merit Scholarships And Financial Assistance

Direct admission to Rank Holders

Admissions for International Students and NRI

How to Apply (Brochure/ Application Form)

Withdrawal/ Fee Refund Policy

--- Coming Soon ---

Question Paper

Admit Card

Admission Result

Download Forms


Contents on this website is published, managed & maintained by National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology

For any query regarding this website, Please contact Web Information Manager : Dr. P.D Lakhawat, Director (A&F),
Email : diraf-nchm[at]nic[dot]in

Last Updated on : 15-02-2025 | Visitor Count : 4518621

©2018 National Council For Hotel Management And Catering Technology