राष्ट्रीय होटल प्रबंध एवं केटरिंग<br>टकनालॉजी परिषद्

राष्ट्रीय होटल प्रबंध एवं केटरिंग
टकनालॉजी परिषद् (पर्यटन मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के अधीन स्वायत्तशासी निकाय)


Norms for all IHMs


A-34, Sector 62, NOIDA – 201 309 (UP)



The training capacity available in the Government Institutes of Hotel Management/Food Craft Institutes is being augmented continually to maximize the delivery of trained personnel to the industry. The demand of trained manpower leaves enough scope for delivery of quality trained manpower by the institutes set up in private sector. It has therefore become necessary that existing private institutions imparting hospitality education and training assume a significant role in meeting the expanding demand for quality trained personnel. In this context, participation of educational institutes in the private sector through scheme of affiliation with NCHMCT has been launched to bridge gap between demand and supply of quality professionals to the expanding Industry.

Existing hospitality programs ranging from Certificate level to Degree level offered by National Council for Hotel Management has enabled candidates from private institutes qualify for a proficiency that is in line with the quality of students turned out by the best of affiliated Institutes in the government sector.The scheme of affiliation launched in year 2006 culminated in affiliation of 4 private Institutes. Subsequently, Council invited applications from private Institutes and affiliated 10 more Institutes of Hotel Management in private sector. As on date, total 14 private Institutes are affiliated to this Council. Original scheme of affiliation has been revised in present form which brings out clarity in requirements and assessment thereof by experts Committee in a transparent manner.


In  the  above  scenario,  The  National  Council  for  Hotel  Management  and  Catering

Technology, would accord affiliation, to such Institutes registered as a Society or an Educational Society or registered as a Trust or under Section 25(1)(A)(B) of Companies Act, either already running the academic programs or newly established, having adequate infrastructure as per Norms & Standards notified by the Council can apply.

The National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology has revised norms and standards for land, campus, buildings, laboratories, equipment, and faculty strictly as per curriculum requirements and duly approved by the Board. Adherence to the norms and standards will thus be mandatory for any institute to qualify for affiliation with the Council.

    1. Institutes registered as a Society or an Educational Society or registered as a Trust or under Section 25(1)(A)(B) of Companies Act, either already running the academic programs or newly established, having adequate infrastructure as per Norms & Standards notified by the Council may apply in the prescribed format to National Council for Hotel Management, within prescribed time limit. Running Institutes with other University should ensure the discontinuation of such programs after affiliation to


    1. The applicant institute will be informed about the status whether the Institute is shortlisted for inspection upon scrutiny of application. Institutes not short listed for inspections shall be notified and the application fee shall be refunded by the Council.
    1. Inspection Committees appointed by the competent authority shall undertake inspections to verify the infrastructural requirements available and the Committee shall submit its report to Member Secretary of the affiliation committee in confidential cover by filling the checklist provided by the Council.
    1. Expenses towards inspections shall be borne by the applicant institute, which would include local transport, lodging/boarding for inspection team members.
    1. Based on inspection report and presentation to be made by the authorities of the Institute before the affiliation committee, final recommendation will be submitted by the affiliation committee to the competent authority for approval. Upon approval of the competent authority, the applicant Institute shall be granted provisional affiliation to begin with for a period of one academic year which shall be reviewed subsequently on yearly basis, for a maximum period of 5 years. Upon successful implementation of the educational programs and adherence to the terms of agreement for five years, the NCHMCT may consider the case for regular affiliation of the Institute with a provision of review on three yearly basis.
    1. Each Institute granted provisional affiliation shall have to sign an agreement with NCHMCT and provide non revocable bank guarantee.
    1. Annual Affiliation Maintenance Fee, as notified by the Council from time to time, shall be payable to the Council by the affiliated Institute.
    1. Consequent upon affiliation, the Institute will maintain the student-teacher ratio as per affiliation norms of the Council and also maintain the prescribed educational qualification, experience and minimum basic pay for each categories as prescribed in the norms.
  1. Consequent upon affiliation the Institute shall be permitted to enroll students in Degree program through centralized counseling or by any other means as may be permitted by the Council in writing. Admission in the Diploma and Certificate level programs are de-centralized and the Institute has to follow the standard in taking admission in such programs.
  1. After Institute or Trust/Society is granted affiliation by NCHMCT, it shall stop other academic programs offered under affiliation with other University. The Society or Trust shall not relocate such program or start other programs in the premises marked to NCHMCT programs.
  1. Continuation of affiliation each year will be subject to periodic inspections by the NCHMCT, to ensure maintenance of standards prescribed. In case of non-adherence of prescribed Norms & Standards or academic standards, the National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology shall be at liberty to pass de-affiliation orders. In such a situation, the National Council shall re-allocate the enrolled students to other affiliated Institutes of Hotel Management for continuation of their studies or examinations as the case may be. In such a situation, National Council shall invoke the bank guarantee furnished by the de-affiliated Institute.
  1. The NCHMCT and IGNOU shall conduct term-end examination for the B.Sc. Hospitality and Hotel Administration program and NCHMCT will conduct term-end exams for all other short-duration programs. Candidates admitted to all the programs shall pay the prescribed examination fees of respective examination bodies as prescribed from time to time. Only those candidates who fulfill requirements as per examinations rules of the Council shall be permitted to appear in term end examination.
  1. Conferring B.Sc. Degree in Hospitality & Hotel Administration and Diplomas to students will be upon completion of their studies and having passed the examination conducted by NCHMCT and IGNOU, as the case may be.
  1. In the event of any information furnished by the applicant Society/ Trust/Institute is found to be misleading or having suppressed or concealed any material fact at any point, the affiliation shall be terminated forth with and the Council shall invoke bank generate furnished by the Trust/ Society/Institute. The NCHMCT will have the right to cancel/withdraw its affiliation to such an Institute and claim damages arising thereof for relocating the student to other Institutes in addition to invoking the bank guarantee.
  1. In the event of any dispute arising on account of any terms and conditions of affiliation/agreement, the decision of the Chairman, Board of Governors of the NCHMCT shall be final and binding on both the parties.
  1. In case of legal dispute and arbitration, the jurisdiction shall be New Delhi as the Registered Office of the National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology is at Pusa, New Delhi, while the correspondence to receive application on behalf of Society is A-34, Sector 62, NOIDA 201 309.

--- Norms for all IHMs ---


इस वेबसाइट पर सामग्री नेशनल काउंसिल फॉर होटल मैनेजमेंट एंड कैटरिंग टेक्नोलॉजी द्वारा प्रकाशित और प्रबंधित रखी गई है

इस वेबसाइट के संबंध में किसी भी प्रश्न के लिए, कृपया वेब सूचना प्रबंधक से संपर्क करें: डॉ. पी. डी. लखावत, निदेशक (प्र&वि),
ईमेल : diraf-nchm[at]nic[dot]in

आखरी अपडेट : 15-02-2025 | आगंतुक गणना : 4521806

© 2018 नेशनल काउंसिल फॉर होटल मैनेजमेंट एंड कैटरिंग टैक्नोलॉजी